Our History


EmpowerASD was founded with a deep commitment to creating a brighter and more inclusive future for adults with autism. Our journey began in 2023 when a group of passionate individuals recognized the untapped potential of individuals on the autism spectrum in the field of Information Technology (IT).

Our founder, William Franzi, inspired by personal experiences and a vision of empowerment, laid the foundation for EmpowerASD. With unwavering determination, we set out to bridge the digital divide and provide comprehensive IT skills training to adults with autism. Our first program, launched in 2020, marked the beginning of a life-changing initiative that would transform the lives of countless individuals.

Over the years, we’ve expanded our reach, partnered with like-minded organizations, and garnered support from a growing community of donors and volunteers. Our history is a testament to the resilience, dedication, and progress that defines EmpowerASD. Today, we stand as a beacon of hope and opportunity for those on the autism spectrum, ready to make their mark in the world of IT.

Our Goals

Foster Independence:

Our primary goal is to empower adults with autism to become independent and self-reliant by equipping them with essential IT skills. We believe that with the right training and support, every individual can achieve their full potential.

Unlock Unique Potential:

Every individual on the autism spectrum possesses unique talents and perspectives. Our goal is to unlock and harness these abilities, allowing them to shine in the technology-driven world.

Build Self-Confidence:

We strive to instill confidence in our program participants, helping them recognize their unique talents and capabilities. Self-confidence is the foundation for success, and we're committed to nurturing it.

Bridging the Digital Divide:

We aim to bridge the digital divide by providing access to IT skills training for those who may face barriers to entry. EmpowerASD ensures that no one is left behind in the digital age.

Create Opportunities for Sustainable Employment and Personal Growth:

Our programs are designed to lead to meaningful employment opportunities and personal growth. We want our participants to not only find jobs but also build fulfilling careers.


Inclusivity: We value and embrace diversity, believing that every individual, regardless of neurodiversity, has a place in the IT industry. We work to create a community where everyone feels included and valued.

Empowerment: Empowerment is at the heart of everything we do. We empower individuals to take control of their lives, their careers, and their futures.

Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration. Through partnerships with organizations, volunteers, and supporters, we can achieve our mission more effectively.

Dedication: We are dedicated to our mission, our participants, and the cause of empowering adults with autism. Our commitment is unwavering.

Respect: We treat every individual with the utmost respect and dignity. We respect their choices, abilities, and unique qualities.

Innovation: We continuously seek innovative ways to improve our programs, adapt to changing needs, and ensure the best possible outcomes for our participants.

Our history, goals, and values serve as the foundation upon which EmpowerASD stands. We look forward to continuing our journey, creating opportunities, and changing lives for the better.

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